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“You’ll never read a book so raw about challenge, sacrifice, failure, and triumph. Ricardo is masterful in turning obstacles into opportunities and helping entrepreneurs avoid the same pitfalls he learned along his career.”

Marcus Lannie

Co-Founder, Redcoat AI

“Paradox, perplexity, ambiguity, those are some of the words that don’t fit the stories around startups but which are part of it. Ricardo crashes into reality and shows  vulnerability and how difficult it is to cope with failure but above all what you can learn with it!”

Ricardo Pires

Angel Investor & CEO of Semapa

“What a powerful story. Ricardo Jiménez shares the unvarnished truth. Entrepreneurs rarely share their emotional journeys with failure. Vulnerability is hard. Hiding behind a façade: actions of others, strict NDAs, make-believe outcomes, or new opportunities is easy. Expect page-turning plot twists that will teach you more than every self-help business book combined on the real challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship.”

Michael Rodov

CEO and Founder of AdNode

“It’s SO refreshing to cut the BS and be honest about failure. Everyone speaks about “speaking about failure” but barely anyone has the guts to do it, especially not so publicly”

Sophie Spitzer

Head of Education, AustrianStartups

Ricardo jiménez

Ricardo Jiménez is a Spanish-born author entrepreneur, and active angel investor. Since 2014, he has performed direct investments in over fifty tech projects, including the Ethereum token launch. In most recent years, his investment scope broadened into other industries and geographies, such as investing in a biotech company in India, a gold mine in Paraguay, and a financial solution for Gen Z in the Middle East.

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    What about the ones who dared to give their dream wings

    Putting pride aside, Jiménez puts his whole story on display; The good, the bad, and the terrible with the hope that the next generation of startup entrepreneurs can learn from his mistakes and take a pain-free shortcut to the important lessons he had to learn the hard way.


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    take a pain-free shortcut to the important lessons

    my whole story on display

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    A founder’s journey to saving your startup and sanity


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